Absolutely everyone is welcome!

These pages are specifically about the Christian Community that gathers in Keele Chapel. If you want to know more about chaplaincy more generally, including provision for other faiths and our wonderful Muslim chaplain Rukia Bi, check out the Faith pages.

The Chapel is right in the middle of campus. You might love its retro sixties architecture, or perhaps you’ll think it looks like a castle. Either way, you can’t miss it!

At the Chapel you’ll find an inclusive and diverse Christian community, varied regular worship, a full-time Chaplaincy team who serve staff and students of all faiths and none, and a variety of student Christian groups. If you want to talk to one of the Chaplains then just pop in and say hi during the day, or if you would rather make an appointment then drop us an email.  

The Chapel is open every day for private prayer or reflection, and for worship on Sunday mornings - you are welcome to join us.  

Our kitchen is open for free tea and coffee.

The best way to remain connected is to like our Facebook page or follow us on Instagram where you will find updates including the live stream link for our Sunday worship.