Post and parcels
As of Wednesday 9th October 2024, the Post Room is located in the William Emes Building, next to the Sports Centre.
Open Monday to Friday 7am-2:50pm.
You can find an Amazon locker on the Students’ Union Ground Floor open 9am-7pm Weekdays and 10am-6pm Saturdays. Use code ‘WAN’ or go to to use the Amazon Locker.
There are 3 Royal Mail post boxes on campus
- In the lay by at the bus stop at Barnes Y on University Drive
- By the KPA
- At the top of the Covert
If you have any issues, please email
For security reasons couriers are not allowed in the halls of residence. Courier collections must be pre-booked and left in the Post Room 24 hours before collection.
Please ensure all post is addressed correctly resulting in a speedier and more reliable service.
Full name as it appears on the Keele card (no nicknames or chosen names)
Room number
Keele University
Post Code
Nobody else is allowed to use your address and abuse of this service may result in the withdrawal of the service to use the Post Room.
Barnes - ST5 5DZ
Holly Cross - ST5 5JB
Lindsay - ST5 5DX
The Oaks – ST5 5JD
Horwood - ST5 5DY
If you do not live on campus your items will be returned.
Any items we cannot identify will be returned.
If you have difficulty collecting items please contact the Post Room for assistance:
Please do not come to the Post Room for parcels/letters until you have received an email to say it has arrived.
Parcels/letters sent to students living on campus will be available for collection from the Post Room which is situated in the William Emes building.
- You must have your Keele card and will be asked to scan the card yourself
- You are not permitted to collect items for other students. The only exceptions are if you are incapacitated for any reason or on placement and then you will need to email the Post Room with details of who is collecting.
- Any parcels not collected within 5 days unless prior arrangement has been agreed via email to will be returned to sender if possible. As some couriers will not accept returned parcels these items will be disposed of.
- Please note that we reserve the right to dispose of any parcels that are identified as perishable goods (such as fruit, vegetables, meat, flowers) that are not collected on the days after receipt. Perishable goods spoil very quickly when not stored appropriately which can be a risk to health but also create unpleasant odours. Depending on the packaging used, we may not be able to identify these goods immediately so please collect your parcels as soon as possible after receiving this email.
- Do not order parcels when you are on vacation or not in a position to collect as we have limited storage.
It is your responsibility to move items to your halls please bear this in mind when ordering.
- Check for mail and parcels before you leave.
- Make sure that you inform people of your new address.
- Change your address details on your online accounts.
- The Post room does not redirect items and will return to sender where possible Some couriers will not accept returned parcels; these items will be disposed of.