

Rey Camoy

A theatrical fantasy inspired by the life and paintings of the Japanese painter, Rey Camoy (1928-1985).

Rey Camoy
Tuesday 24 October 2023 | Keele University Chapel | 7pm
Tickets: Standard £5, students, Keele Staff & Alumni and young people ages 16 & under FREE

tarinainanika’s latest production is a theatrical fantasy inspired by the life and paintings of the Japanese painter, Rey Camoy (1928-1985). Throughout his career Camoy strove obsessively to capture his ideal of beauty and to produce a self-portrait that satisfied his demand for truth. tarinainanika picks up the themes of identity, beauty and truth and translates them through the lens of Corporeal Mime into a theatrical work of sophisticated physicality and visual poetry.

About Rey Camoy 鴨居玲
Rey Camoy (1928-1985) was a Japanese painter, described by Tokyo Art Beat as “a little-known peripatetic Japanese painter of the human condition”. tarinainanika are captivated by Camoy’s power to express states of mind through the human form. The figures he depicts are drunks, clowns, disabled soldiers, the elderly - lost souls in whom he always finds something
touching and beautiful. Many of the pieces he created were self-portraits, especially towards the end of his life - as if he were endlessly searching for his true self. Churches are another recurring theme in his work - often shown on the verge of falling, or suspended mid-air. He also painted many nudes, a theme which seems to represent his longing for beauty. He took his own life in 1985 at the age of 57.

About the Show
tarinainanika’s production shows the artist in his studio surrounded by the characters from his creations. The drama unfolds without a word, with intricate ensemble-work and breath-taking physicality. It’s a gut-wrenching love song to beauty - the kind worth living and dying for.

About tarinainanika
tarinainanika is an international physical theatre company dedicated to the art of Corporeal Mime. Directors Kentaro Suyama and Tania Coke spent many years in London studying and working with Steven Wasson and Corinne Soum, last assistants of the founder of Corporeal Mime. In 2011 they founded tarinainanika and have since presented their work at venues and festivals across Japan (Biwako Biennale, Rokko Meets Art, Nakanojo Biennale, Theater X in Tokyo, Geijutsu Souzoukan in Osaka etc) and internationally (Edinburgh Fringe, Sydney Fringe, Camden Fringe, Manggha Museum in Krakow etc). The company is based at the Flying Carpet Factory in Osaka, which is also home to the Corporeal Mime School of Performing Arts.

About Corporeal Mime
Corporeal Mime is a theatrical artform first developed by Etienne Decroux, one of the masters of 20th century theatre. Known as “the art of the thinking body”, Corporeal Mime enables the actor to express the inner drama of thought through the outer drama of action. It has a structured technique and its own vocabulary, repertoire and creative processes. It is a unique approach to acting which places the body at the core of the actor’s art. Today, the tradition of Corporeal Mime is kept alive by dedicated practitioners across the globe.

“a spectacle of dark fantasy that reaches to the bottom of your heart and shakes awake the exhausted human inside” Ed Fringe Review (Tokyo Fugue)

“chilling, ethereal, disturbing and hauntingly beautiful” Ed Fringe Review (The Same Boat)

‘It is difficult to imagine how long it must have taken the performers to become such a perfect organism on the move.” Lively Curiosity theatre blog, London (Tokyo Fugue)

Parking: The nearest car park is located just outside the Student Union building, this is also adjacent to the University Chapel. Parking is free in all car parks on campus after 5pm in the evening. There are a number of disabled parking spaces near to the Chapel. For more information on car parking please see: Parking at Keele University (note the Student Union car park is located right in the centre of this map and highlighted red, you will see the Chapel adjacent). 

Access: Full details on access via Accessable

Tickets: Click the 'Book event' button at the bottom of this page.
facebook: @tarinainanika
instagram: @tarinainanika
twitter: @tarinainanikajp

This tour is supported by Japan Foundation, Great Britain Sasakawa Foundation, Daiwa Anglo-Japanese Foundation and EU Japan Fest. 


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Keele University Chapel
Keele University
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01782 734340

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