Consent to share your information

Some students find it helpful to give permission for Student Services to speak to a named third party (i.e. Mother, Father, Guardian, Sibling) about their support needs and reasonable adjustments.  If you would like to give authorisation for this, you can do so by completing this form on the Self Service Portal.  If your consent is provided, you are still be expected to engage with the University and respond to any emails sent to your Keele student account.  It is at your discretion if you then decide to share your emails or not.

This consent relates only to your disability, medical condition, specific learning difficulty or mental health difficulty and the support and reasonable adjustments relating to this.  We will not be able to comment on any other matters, including your attendance, grades, living arrangements, behaviour, relationships or any financial matters.

You have the right to withdraw your consent at any time and can do this via the Self Service Portal.