Let us know - your submissions
Read the latest 'Let us know' submissions and our answers.
Your feedback
You are systematically dismantling the law school and social sciences due to reductions in costs yet creating more infrastructure without demand and investing in other areas such as medicine/science. There are ample opportunities and means of generating revenue throughout the campus, yet these remain unexplored. Why? I would be happy to discuss options.
Our response
We appreciate you taking the time to write to us outlining your concerns. We recognise that this is an unsettling time for many students and staff.
You will be aware that the UK undergraduate student tuition fee was not increased to keep up with inflation for almost a decade, and international student recruitment has become increasingly unreliable due to international events outside our control and government policy on visas. These things have caused financial challenges for the whole UK university sector.
The University is required to make a financial surplus each year in order to be able to reinvest in student and staff facilities and that is why we must take action to save costs to ensure our future financial sustainability, as in the case at universities across the UK
At Keele the situation is also manifest in the fact that in some discipline areas there are not enough students being attracted to our courses to sustain the level of academic staff employed in those areas. This is a situation that is being seen across the UK as demand for different subjects changes.
It’s important to note that we are not proposing to close any subject areas in the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences. Proposed staff cost reductions would maintain favourable ratios of staff to students compared to most subject areas at Keele, thus safeguarding the student experience.
Thank you again for raising this matter and I hope that the information above gives you some assurance that the University is taking this matter very seriously. Also please do feel free to send through any specific ideas that you have.
Your feedback
Don’t cut lecturers. It doesn’t work out long term. Way I see it, cutting teachers means destroying year long student-faculty companionship. Not only this but module content would have to change meaning that what students learn when they have already set up expectations of the course that they have chosen. It’s also unfair that there hasn’t been transparency with the students (the other group of people who will be affected by this.) Education is not a business, Universities are not a monopoly.
No Redundancies, No Cuts
Our response
We appreciate you taking the time to write to us outlining your concerns. We recognise that this is an unsettling time for many students and staff.
You will be aware that the UK undergraduate student tuition fee was not increased to keep up with inflation for almost a decade, and international student recruitment has become increasingly unreliable due to international events outside our control and government policy on visas. These things have caused financial challenges for the whole UK university sector.
The University is required to make a financial surplus each year in order to be able to reinvest in student and staff facilities and that is why we must take action to save costs to ensure our future financial sustainability, as in the case at universities across the UK
At Keele the situation is also manifest in the fact that in some discipline areas there are not enough students being attracted to our courses to sustain the level of academic staff employed in those areas. This is a situation that is being seen across the UK as demand for different subjects changes.
It’s important to note that we are not proposing to close any subject areas in the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences. Proposed staff cost reductions would maintain favourable ratios of staff to students compared to most subject areas at Keele, thus safeguarding the student experience.
Thank you again for raising this matter and I hope that the information above gives you some assurance that the University is taking this matter very seriously.
Your feedback
We need a better outreach for depression, instead of just raising awareness; ways for people to know what to do and how the university can help.
Our response
Thank you for your feedback. We have information on our website about support that can be provided, including information on peer support schemes: https://www.keele.ac.uk/students/lifeoutsideofstudy/welfareandwellbeing/
We are also currently running a campaign to ensure that students are aware of support services.
We are committed to continually improving our services and have registered for the Student Minds led University Mental Health Charter to support work to adopt a university-wide approach to promote mental health and wellbeing and further information about this programme can be found here: https://hub.studentminds.org.uk/university-mental-health-charter/
Your feedback
I am looking for a supportive community at Keele. Like I had in my undergraduate days in America. Me and my friends would do everything together study, eat and play sports. I felt so inclusive warm and loved in America. I am missing that feeling in England.
Our response
Thank you for contacting us about this. If you live in our campus accommodation, please contact Student Services (student.services@keele.ac.uk) and we can link you up with our Residence Life team who organise social activities in our accommodation. More information is available on our webpages: https://www.keele.ac.uk/students/residencelife/
There is also a dedicated Student Union for Postgraduate students. There is a club house and they offer support, advice and social activities: https://www.kpa.org.uk/
The Students' Union also offers opportunities to meet people through events, activities, societies and the Athletic Union: https://keelesu.com/activities/
Your feedback
Please take sexual assault cases more seriously. There have been a huge number of them and very little action has been taken to deal with the perpetrators and even less to support any possible victims.
Our response
Thank you for letting us know about your concerns. Our #NeverOK campaign aims to end all forms of violence and discriminatory behaviour, including sexual assault. We have a range of reporting options and support available, and offer a survivor-led service, which means that we will listen and help students decide which support is right for them.
If a student needs support, we have a team of specially trained Sexual Violence Liaison Officers (SVLOs). The team can help students with understanding the reporting options available, referrals to counselling and medical services, accommodation adjustments and implementing safety measures. They can act as a liaison point of contact for any external services that a student might wish to access, including the Sexual Assault Referral Centre. More information on support can be found on our webpages: https://www.keele.ac.uk/students/lifeoutsideofstudy/neverok/sexualviolence/support/
We also provide information on reporting options through this service and on our webpages, which includes information on the University's Student Discipline processes: https://www.keele.ac.uk/students/lifeoutsideofstudy/neverok/sexualviolence/reportingoptions/
We are committed to continually improving our services and from August 2025 all universities in England will be required to comply with a new Condition of Registration from our regulator (the Office for Students) which focuses on the prevention and response to harassment and sexual misconduct.
Your feedback
Do not get rid of the humanities, do not cut staff, Keele is only held up by staff and what is a university without humanities? Disclose! Address humanitarian crisis and divest. Do not cower when it matters most that you do not.
Our response
We appreciate you taking the time to write to us outlining your concerns. We recognise that this is an unsettling time for many students and staff.
You will be aware that the UK undergraduate student tuition fee was not increased to keep up with inflation for almost a decade, and international student recruitment has become increasingly unreliable due to international events outside our control and government policy on visas. These things have caused financial challenges for the whole UK university sector.
The University is required to make a financial surplus each year in order to be able to reinvest in student and staff facilities and that is why we must take action to save costs to ensure our future financial sustainability, as in the case at universities across the UK
At Keele the situation is also manifest in the fact that in some discipline areas there are not enough students being attracted to our courses to sustain the level of academic staff employed in those areas. This is a situation that is being seen across the UK as demand for different subjects changes.
It’s important to note that we are not proposing to close any subject areas in the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences. Proposed staff cost reductions would maintain favourable ratios of staff to students compared to most subject areas at Keele, thus safeguarding the student experience.
Thank you again for raising this matter and I hope that the information above gives you some assurance that the University is taking this matter very seriously.
Your feedback
I believe some rat repellent needs to be sprayed outside Barnes Z as I have seen a few rats running around outside.
Our response
Thank you for the information regarding Barnes Z block. We can confirm that measures have been put in place to resolve / deter this situation.
Your feedback
The elevator has been broken since September and we have all seen little to no effort to fix it. This is not what I pay rent for.
Our response
Thank you for your feedback on the lift. We're sorry that the progress on the replacement lift in Holly Cross has not been communicated to you. We are finalising the programme of the replacement and this will be communicated once the date in the new year is agreed. Replacing lifts can unfortunately take some time, but in the meantime please do let us know if you need any further support via estates@keele.ac.uk
Your feedback
Timetable. It’s awful for commuting students - two friends that I made who commute have now moved into accompanied because the timetable is spread out when it could be made two days.
Our response
Thank you for your feedback. We receive differing feedback from students on timetables, with some students reporting that they prefer their timetable to be compressed and others preferring their timetable to be spread across the week. Construction of the university timetable is a complex task that requires us to balance student and staff availability with availability of space. Our current software limits our ability to personalise timetables, however, this is something we are exploring as part of the move to a new timetabling system. We continue to work hard to improve Keele's approach to timetabling and would welcome further details on your experience to inform this. The Head of Timetabling & Attendance can be contacted at h.gee@keele.ac.uk.
Your feedback
Wi-Fi has been increasingly poor this semester across campus. This is causing issues with lecturers loading presentations, students using laptops, students being able to check-in etc. Can we raise this as an issue?
Our response
Thank you for your feedback. There was an issue at the start of this semester that affected a number of people connecting to the network. The University worked directly with the supplier to rectify the issue and apply a software upgrade as soon as it was released to improve connectivity and compatibility with devices. Hopefully you should have seen improvements from mid October and if there are areas where the coverage isn't great, we will investigate it and make sure it's improved. Our IT service desk is available on campus to assist where devices are not able to connect.
Your feedback
A microwave or kettle in the refreshments area of the Library it makes it easier have food there late at night.
Our response
Thank you for your feedback. Within the Library there is a hot water dispenser for making hot drinks. Thanks to constructive meetings and support from the SU, the Library are actively exploring adding an integrated microwave in the refreshment area. There is a challenge that there is no plumbing in this area which makes getting water difficult. Without running water we are not able to have a separate kettle/urn. We will continue to explore options.
Your feedback
The laundry room at Holly cross needs more washing machines. That or the TWO out of 6 that aren’t working need to be fixed. There’s so many people living in this accommodation as well as the oaks and it’s impossible to get a machine. It feels as though there’s the most people here, yet the least amount of machines, it doesn’t make sense. It would be great if more machines were added, maybe stacked on top of each other?? I’m not sure, but if not that ANYTHING would be good at this point. Thanks
Our response
Thank you for your feedback and raising the issue of the two machines at Holly Cross launderette. We understand that the machines have been fixed as of the 19 November, please let us know if any of the machines are out of service. Unfortunately the machines are not able to be stacked, but we will investigate further opportunities. If you wish to use other facilities on campus, the machines available are shown on www.washpoint.uk.
Your feedback
It is fantastic to see that Keele collaborates with bus operators to improve travelling to campus experience. I would just like to add that myself I live in Tunstall and getting to campus is a nightmare. First of all despite Tunstall is only 5 miles away, journey there takes MINIMUM an hour maximum 1.5 hrs or longer. Travelling up to three hours a day, sometimes just for an hour long lecture is an immense waste of time I could utilise studying. To be on campus on time for 9 am lecture I leave house at 7am. Although there are buses at 7.40 -8am they are so full that they just don't take people from by bus stop. It results with me often just missing lectures.
Our response
Thank you for your feedback, we understand the frustration you have shared. The 25 bus is timetabled every 10 mins during peak times and every 15 mins during non-peak times. The bus company monitor all of their vehicles and aim to keep them running to time. Given the length of the route (Stoke-on-Trent to Keele), there are times where the bus can get caught in traffic leading to delays. To support overcoming this, the University is currently in the process of adding an additional X25 bus route which will run from the University directly to Newcastle bus station, both making the route more reliable and quicker. Since September 2024 there is also an additional ‘K’ bus route which incorporates Silverdale, Knutton and Chesterton.
Your feedback
The first bus ticket prices are increased making it hard for international students to pay the price.
Our response
Thank you for your feedback. The University continues to subsidise bus fares. The recent rise in bus charges has been due to the central government removing a subsidy which has impacted on non Keele card travel.
Your feedback
Please please please can there be an express 25 bus from the train station directly to the university arriving for 9 am lectures. It would help massively for those commuting because even if I take the earlier train the bus will still be the reason I’m late to uni.
Our response
Thank you for your feedback. This request has been discussed with the bus company and at present, they have advised it is not a viable service to run.
However, the University Transport & Car Parking Group continue to review the demand for this service.
Please note, the 25 bus is timetabled every 10 mins during peak times and every 15 mins during non-peak times. The bus company monitor all of their vehicles and aim to keep them running to time. Given the length of the route (Stoke-on-Trent to Keele), there are times where the bus can get caught in traffic leading to delays. To support overcoming this, the University is currently in the process of adding an additional X25 bus route which will run from the University directly to Newcastle bus station, both making the route more reliable and quicker.
Your feedback
Bring back the coin operated pay and display machines, or at least add a contactless reader. Pay by phone systems are far to easy to run scams off and a university should know better than to swap to such an exploitable system.
Our response
Thank you for your feedback about the payment machines in car parks. The ability to pay by cash was withdrawn because very few people were paying in this way. We note your comment on this and will continue to review the payment mechanism for parking.
Your feedback
You are listening to complaints about parking, which is great, but to charge £100 for a parking permit, than £3 a day on top is ridiculous.
Our response
Thank you for your question. We are pleased to confirm that there is no additional charge to park on car park A3 for those with a valid Keele parking permit.
Your feedback
I think your parking is atrocious it was good in my first year but it was bad in my second year with almost no spaces no matter where on campus you went. Then you got rid of a bunch of spaces for a bus stop and now you have an overflow car park but you have to pay for it? How does that solve the issue of you giving out too many permits/ people with no permits parking in permit only spaces. What even is the point of me having a permit if I have to get to campus like an hour prior to my lectures to find a space and get to the room in time?
Our response
Thank you for your feedback about the parking issues you have experienced on campus. Car parking spaces on campus are regularly reviewed, and at present there are spaces usually available at car park A3. That car park is for both permit holders and those paying to park on an occasional basis via the App. We are pleased to confirm that there is no additional fee to park in A3 for those with a valid permit.
Your feedback
Bus 25: the 25 have been coming late this new section. Last section it comes every 5 mins but this section just been delayed and always late and full. Coming from the Newcastle bus station we must always stand because all the seats are taken.
Our response
Thank you for the feedback on the bus service to campus. The 25 bus is timetabled every 10 mins during peak times and every 15 mins during non-peak times. The bus company monitor all of their vehicles and aim to keep them running to time. Given the length of the route (Stoke-on-Trent to Keele), there are times where the bus can get caught in traffic leading to delays. To support overcoming this, the University is currently in the process of adding an additional X25 bus route which will run from the University directly to Newcastle bus station, both making the route more reliable and quicker.
Your feedback
All the information I have seen related to car parking charges completely ignores the fact that paying via the app charges additional fees on top of the £3. There are additional admin fees that must be paid as well as additional fees for optional services the app provides which people can opt out of. Please provide clarity on the parking charges and full disclosure of the true cost. E.g. The cost of parking is £3, plus compulsory admin fees charged by the app which is currently 10p.
Our response
Thank you for your feedback. Yes, there is a separate 10p transaction charge to pay via the app, and this is detailed on our parking web pages.
Your feedback
Is the overflow car park, that has recently been base available all day, free for those with a valid parking permit, or do you still have to pay to park?
Our response
Thank you for your question. We are pleased to confirm that there is no additional charge to park on car park A3 for those with a valid Keele parking permit.
Your feedback
Timetabling is awful. This has been the case the whole way through my degree but it never gets any better.
Our response
Thank you for your feedback. We are sorry that this was your experience. We continue to work hard to improve Keele's approach to timetabling and would welcome further details on your experience to inform this. The Head of Timetabling & Attendance can be contacted at h.gee@keele.ac.uk.
Your feedback
The university advertised and touted a new X25 service to campus -to start in September 2024- yet the service has not commenced. The current 25 bus service is not fit for capacity and often not on time. Is the X25 service still going ahead, and if so, when will it launch?
Our response
The University is committed to launch the new X25 bus service in partnership with Newcastle under Lyme Borough Council & Staffordshire County Council. Works are being completed on University Drive & Barnes Hall Road in support of this new service. However, the new bus entrance to allow the new X25 service to operate is still awaiting roadworks agreement from Staffordshire County Council. Newcastle under Lyme Borough Council and the University are working extremely hard to secure this agreement. and it is hoped that Staffordshire County Council will be able to grant the permissions to allow the final connection to happen this winter.
Your feedback
I believe we need more access to plug sockets during lectures so that we don't have to worry about laptops, ipads etc running out of battery while making notes. This is because some may not be able to buy a new laptop or may be anxious to reach out for support and to borrow the laptops offered, so may be stuck with old laptops/ipads with a low battery life.
Our response
The University is assessing a rolling programme of upgrading teaching rooms across campus to improve the teaching & learning experience and, where technically and financially possible, will look to improve the availability of power sockets in these areas.
Your feedback
Make food on campus more affordable and better quality. There was pink chicken in the SU, and co-op food is touched by loads of people who knows whether they wash their hands. Chancellor's is extraordinarily expensive for what it is and in an hour is almost impossible to get a decent lunch in central campus with a thousand people trying. Greggs is alright but the queues are extraordinary because it's the only place people trust on campus.
Our response
Thank you for your feedback about food on campus. We will speak with the Students Union in relation to the feedback on the food being served within this area. We welcome your feedback on the pricing of food on campus, we try to provide a range of food and price range options from the outlets. We are reviewing our offers constantly, from the cost of living offers to the food in the Chancellors buildings. Your feedback will be used in reviewing the current options and pricing on campus.
Your feedback
I am writing as a current student to propose a potential rebranding initiative that could significantly enhance Keele’s appeal, particularly in attracting prospective students both locally and internationally. I suggest that Keele consider adopting the name “The University of Keele,” following a similar path taken by Staffordshire University with their recent rebrand to “The University of Staffordshire.”
This change would offer several advantages:
Enhanced Market Appeal: The title “University of Keele” sounds more formal and distinguished, aligning Keele with traditional naming conventions followed by many top universities across the UK. This can potentially attract a broader range of students who may view it as more prestigious and familiar.
Increased Visibility and Attraction: The change in branding could act as a modern refresh for the university, appealing more to younger generations. Given the success of Staffordshire University's rebranding, this approach could boost interest in Keele as well, especially from students who might be considering different options.
Simplicity and Recognition: Many students and external stakeholders may already refer to the institution as ""University of Keele"" in conversation. Making this the official title would solidify this branding and make it more straightforward for everyone to recognize the university in a global context.
I firmly believe that rebranding could contribute to an even stronger identity for Keele, helping it stand out in a highly competitive education market. I would love to hear your thoughts on this suggestion and am happy to discuss it further if needed.
Our response
Thank you for your suggestion. We are already officially known as both the University of Keele and as Keele University, although we use the latter most prominently. We are continually exploring ways to make the University more attractive to prospective students and thank you for this feedback which we will take into account.
Your feedback
The buses really need improving, whether it's in your control or not. I commute to campus from Meir, the other side of stoke, and most days it takes me longer than 2 hours to get to campus bearing in mind it's only 20 minutes away in the car. Due to my course accreditation I can't afford to miss classes because the buses are so bad. You're wanting to introduce the 25X, also run by first bus, when the normal 25 can't even be run properly.
Thank you for your feedback on the buses that serve campus. We are in regular dialogue with both companies that operate the service currently and we will raise the issue of the travel time as you have described. Your feedback is important as it provides us with user experience which we can take up with the provider and the impact that it is having users of the service.
Our response
Thank you for your feedback on the buses that serve campus. We are in regular dialogue with both companies that operate the service currently and we will raise the issue of the travel time as you have described. Your feedback is important as it provides us with user experience which we can take up with the provider and the impact that it is having users of the service.
Your feedback
One thing that sets many top universities apart is their long-standing traditions and ceremonies, such as matriculation, formal events, and other rituals that create a sense of prestige and belonging. These traditions often give students a connection to the university’s history, fostering pride and a strong sense of community.
At Keele, there doesn’t seem to be the same emphasis on traditional ceremonies or rituals, which I think could be a missed opportunity. While Keele’s younger history may mean it lacks some of these established customs, creating or embracing more meaningful traditions could enhance the student experience and contribute to the university’s identity. Traditions are often what make universities feel special and memorable, and having more of them could help Keele stand out and build a stronger connection between students and the institution.
Keele Hall is a beautiful and iconic part of the campus, yet it feels somewhat peripheral in the day-to-day life of students. Given its significance and historical value, I believe Keele Hall could play a more central role in university life, making it a focal point for events, academic gatherings, or even as a social hub for students. By incorporating Keele Hall more into the everyday student experience, it could strengthen the university’s identity and provide a stronger connection between students and Keele’s rich history.
Making more use of such an important building could elevate the sense of tradition and prestige on campus, offering students a unique and memorable space for key university moments. Whether through more frequent events, lectures, or study spaces, Keele Hall has the potential to be a more integral part of student life, contributing to a deeper sense of community and belonging at Keele.
Our response
Thank you for your feedback and suggestion. Creating a sense of community and belonging is really important to us all at Keele so I have asked the Chair of the Graduation and Student Life groups to consider how we might develop Keele traditions to support this and how Keele Hall can be a greater part of those traditions.
Your feedback
Tutors, instructors are great but they need to be more compassionate. Everyone doing a post grad have work to do especially NHS that overstretch and staff have to work harder to meet the demands of work. Post grad studies should be fun, reflection of practice and acquiring new skills but not a punishment. The university tutors/lecturers should be more compassionate and understanding about the demand at work and studies. I found one particular instructor or tutor a bully and racist. Narcistic and wants student to suffer. Overall the university itself is great. Thank you. This is feedback and not a complaint.
Our response
Thank you for feeding this back. We have raised your concerns directly with the school and they have agreed to arrange a session with all staff to discuss effective approaches to engagement with, and support for, students. If you would like to discuss your specific concerns about the member of staff you have highlighted in more detail, please contact the Head of School, Marie Doherty, who will be happy to have a confidential conversation with you. You can also find further information on how to get support with bullying and harassment at: keele.ac.uk/students/lifeoutsideofstudy/neverok/bullyingandharassment
Your feedback
I went to student services to talk about my timetable as I didn’t have it and it was just before welcome week. I had been emailing and there was a lack of communication between departments timetabling sent me to student services, student services sent me to IT, IT sent me to timetabling.
I asked my academic mentor what to do and she told me to go to student services in person. The woman I spoke to told me I just had to wait and not to come back until after welcome week when I asked who to contact when it got to this date she told me I shouldn’t contact them further.
After going around campus I was send back to student services as IT believed that the problem was occurring from their side. I spoke to the same lady at student services who told me not to come back I asked to speak to timetabling as IT told me they have an office in the building and she said she doesn’t know where they are, I asked if she could ask a colleague and she said no and stop asking until after welcome week. This was incredibly distressing for me as I was trying to plan my timetable to look after my sister as a commuter student who is a young career.
As a well-being officer of a sports club on campus I would now be reluctant to recommend student services as a way of communicating as I would not wish for any of my team mates to be treated as I was.
I decided to phone timetabling a few days later who said the wrong modules had been assigned to each semester so if I had decided to wait I would still be waiting for a timetable. They were very helpful in person and over the phone but not over email.
Our response
Thank you for your feedback. We are sorry that this was your experience. Student Services will work with the other relevant departments to ensure that this issue is resolved and that we provide a seamless service for our students, no matter what the query, or which area of the University it relates to. The Director of Student Services and Success would be happy to meet with you to support the resolution of your concerns and to hear about your experience further: k.laverty@keele.ac.uk, Katie Laverty, Director of Student Support and Success.