Why study ethics at Keele

Undertaking an MA in ethics will not give you an easy list of answers to moral problems. The moral problems worth looking at are all hard – there are no easy answers. What our courses can do is help you to work out answers for yourself, answers that are worth having because they’re based on the best ethical thinking and reasoning we can manage, answers you can justify, to yourself and others. The MA course will give you an introduction to a number of different (rival) moral theories - all of which have their strengths and their weaknesses - as well as providing you with a range of analytical tools with which to assess different ethical claims. It will also help you to communicate ethical arguments to others in a clearer way.

Although ethical issues are rarely out of the headlines for very long, much public 'debate' about ethics in the media is (with occasional honourable exceptions) of very poor quality. It often consists of 'sound-bite' rhetorical assertions followed by counter-assertions, without any real examination of the ethical reasons for either position. Our courses will help you to construct, categorise and criticise different ethical arguments and to spot common fallacies. As well as introducing you to arguments that others have put forward, our courses allow plenty of opportunity for students to practise putting forward their own arguments and discussing complex moral cases. Ethics at Keele is a participatory activity, not a spectator sport!

Postgraduate - Medical Ethics and Law (MEL) - Kirsty Moreton

Postgraduate Ethics programmes

Currently the Centre for Professional Ethics offers two MA programmes. We welcome applications from health care professionals, health service managers, medical researchers, intercalating medical students, graduates in law, philosophy or related subjects, and anyone with a serious interest in studying the ethical problems that arise in health care practice. In addition we contribute to several of the law programmes offered by Keele Law School.