
  • Former trade union full time officer (BMA, AUT, NASUWT, NAHT)
  • Now HR Director in a consultancy service for Schools
  • MA from Keele in Industrial Relations and employment law
  • Biker and advanced rider, qualified Observer for IAM
  • Triumphaholic

Known unknowns:

Whether it’s possible to own too many books on trades unions and the labour movement

  • How many more books I can get in the house before my wife notices

Unknown unknowns:

  •  Why I’ve added this madness to the existing madness in my life
  • Whether it’s do-able

Research and scholarship

Main research interests

  • Employment law impact on trades unions
  • Individual vs collective rights (rights?)
  • Professional collectivities, collectivism and voice
  • Labour movement/ trades unions/ left history
  • Narratives of justice
  • Militancy, organising and mobilisation theory
  • Activism and social citizenship
  • Professions; formation, closure, contestation
  • Power

I really could go on, you know.

Thesis plans/thoughts/dreamery

How did the “we” go from there? The individualisation and atomisation of collective resistance and rights-assertion within educational professional TU collectivisms in the 21st Century.


From blowing the whistle to whistleblowers: a tale of rights, reductionism and receding radicalism within educational trades unionism

Focus - on the impact on narratives of collectivism within a comparator study of education professionals across sectors and time (and possibly too much research ambition) of the late 20th and early 21st C suite of individual employment rights.

A study of where the “we” went and how TU lay and FTO structures and conceptualisations of the individual vs collective boundary are influenced and constrained by an individual rights discourse.
