Cheshire earthquakes

Cheshire Earthquakes 2001

There were 3 earthquakes near Chester on 17th October 2001. Details of the locations are given below:

Year Mo Dy Hr Mn Secs Lat Lon kmE kmN Depth Mag
2001 10 17 23 3 11.1 53.209 -2.746 350.2 368.2 8.7 2.4
2001 10 17 23 5 59.2 53.208 -2.727 351.4 368.2 9.2 1.5
2001 10 17 23 21 35.2 53.207 -2.751 349.8 368.0 6.9 2.1

These locations are from the British Geological Survey using the national seismic network supplemented with data provided from our network at Northwich. The earthquakes occurred between Tarvin and Kelsall.

Map of Cheshire earthquakes

Shown below are some of the seismograms recorded on our network in Northwich.

Cheshire seismograms