PTY-40061 - Enhanced Practice: Musculoskeletal Rehabilitation
Coordinator: Victoria Craig Room: N/A Tel: +44 1782 7 34557
Lecture Time: See Timetable...
Level: Level 7
Credits: 15
Study Hours: 150
School Office:

Programme/Approved Electives for 2024/25


Available as a Free Standing Elective






Barred Combinations


Description for 2024/25

The Enhanced Practice: Musculoskeletal Rehabilitation module builds on content introduced in Years 1-3 of the MSci Physiotherapy programme and equips the student with enhanced skills and knowledge to manage musculoskeletal patients. Students will have the opportunity to acquire the knowledge and skills required to assess, clinically reason and manage musculoskeletal patients with manual therapy techniques or other approaches.
The module aims to prepare the student to work in varied musculoskeletal settings with enhanced reasoning to justify the use of 'hands on OR hands off' physiotherapeutic techniques whilst also developing transferable skills (such as clinical reasoning, presentation of an argument, critical analysis) that can be applied in a variety of healthcare settings and specialties.

This module aims to enable the students to advance their theoretical underpinning, manual therapy and rehabilitation skills, encourage students to critically evaluate the current evidence base related to musculoskeletal physiotherapy and to enable students to provide specialist musculoskeletal physiotherapy assessment and management tailored to patient individual circumstances and informed by evidence based practice.

Intended Learning Outcomes

synthesise and evaluate theoretical knowledge in order to justify evidence based practice in musculoskeletal practice: 1
reflect critically on advanced manual therapy and rehabilitation knowledge, application and skills: 1
critically appraise current practice and recent developments in musculoskeletal physiotherapy to develop a conceptual understanding of the variety of methods used for patient management and their role: 1
rationalise and critically evaluate the benefits and drawbacks of a 'hands on' and 'hands off' approach in the management of musculoskeletal patients: 1

Study hours

Active learning includes:
~10 hours of lectures,
~30 hours practicals
~ 7 hours workshops/seminars/ tutorials
~3 hours of assessment preparation
~15 hours of directed study
~85 hours of independent study including preparation for the assessment.

School Rules


Description of Module Assessment

1: Practical Exam weighted 100%
45 Mins Interactive Practical Exam (30 min Oral followed by 15 mins Practical demonstration of skills)
A 45 minute Interactive practical examination 15 minutes (3 practical skills) 30 minutes oral based on a pre submitted case scenario (following a subjective and objective assessment proforma) & clinical reasoning report (1000 words) 1 week before the exam. The case scenario and report are not graded separately but form part of the overall mark.