Programme/Approved Electives for 2024/25
Available as a Free Standing Elective
This module is aimed at qualified Physiotherapists, General Practitioners, GP VTS SHO's, GP Registrars, medical staff interesting in learning more about musculoskeletal medicine, Nurses and Occupational Therapists. Physiotherapists and Occupational Therapists should be working at Band 7 or above [or equivalent]. Nurses should be working at Clinical Specialist or above [or equivalent] Applicants may be invited for an interview to review entry requirements and pre requisites. Candidates should normally have a first or second class honours degree in a relevant subject and a recognized professional qualification and appropriate current professional registration and insurance. Candidates without degrees may be considered on an individual basis.A letter of support from the candidate's manager would be required to assure the course team that they are working within an appropriate clinical context.Each candidate would be required to produce evidence of all mandatory training within their own organization including Cardio-pulmonary resuscitation, Infection Control, Manual Handling and Fire and Health and Safety prior to being accepted onto the module
The module will give candidates the opportunity to learn in a clinical environment supported by small group tutorials. They will have real life patients to assess and manage supported by discussion and feedback with experienced staff from a range of healthcare professions. This style of experiential learning reflects the work environment of the students. Feedback on knowledge, performance and further learning can be given quickly to support the student&©s further development.Indicative Content:
- Introduction to the current healthcare policy and practice that impacts on musculoskeletal services
- Basic principles of current musculoskeletal assessment and diagnosis will be revisited and built upon to include more advanced clinical reasoning.
- Common disease presentations
- Detail of the current evidence around the influences on diagnosis, prognosis and outcome e.g. red flags.
- Basic principles of investigations will be revisited and built upon to include more advanced interpretation.
- Formulation of appropriate management plans.
- Exploring the current role of the multidisciplinary team within a clinic and the wider healthcare environment.
- Formulation of a learning log/reflective portfolio for those students who feel this is appropriate for their own learning needs. This is optional.
- To increase candidates knowledge and skills in the assessment and management of musculoskeletal disease.
- To increase the candidate's knowledge of the multidisciplinary teams role in managing musculoskeletal disease.
- To increase the candidates awareness of new ways of working within the musculoskeletal environment.
Intended Learning Outcomes
The student should be able to:
- Develop the ability to extract, synthesize and apply patient examination findings and formulate appropriate intervention strategies.
- Develop the ability to recognize when additional investigation is required, what investigations are appropriate to enhance diagnosis and management.
- Develop the ability to understand the results of investigations and to synthesize information appropriately into a management plan.
- Develop an critical understanding of the multidisciplinary team.
- Reflect on the current policy and its affect on the provision of musculoskeletal within current healthcare practice.
- To critically evaluate the evidence underpinning a pathology / management approach.
Student Study Hours: 300 Student Contact Hours:32 contact hours and tutorial time
Description of Module Assessment
1: Viva weighted 0%Six Mini CEX - to demonstrate knowledge of musculskeletal assessment and management
2: Portfolio weighted 100%3000 word portfolio