PTY-40016 - Independent study
Coordinator: Sue Hunter Room: MAC1.26 Tel: +44 1782 7 33809
Lecture Time: See Timetable...
Level: Level 7
Credits: 15
Study Hours: 150
School Office:

Programme/Approved Electives for 2024/25


Available as a Free Standing Elective





The course is aimed at qualified health professionals. Candidates should normally have a first or second class honours degree in a relevant subject and/or recognised professional qualifications. Candidates without degrees may be considered.

Barred Combinations


Description for 2024/25

Module Content:
Each student will be responsible for negotiating: the format of the portfolio; the area for the assignment; and setting the framework in which to work Having identified a subject area for the assignment each student will submit a proposal to the module tutor. The proposal will:
i) provide a rationale for the assignment
ii) set out general and specific objectives for the assignment
Indicative Content of Sessions: Putting together a portfolio, meaning of experiential learning, critical incidents, reflective practice etc.
Critical Appraisal Skills (for students who are taking this as a stand alone module).
Presentation of reflective assignment area.
Other topics in relation to identified needs of individual students.

To develop the student's understanding and skills of critical thinking through experiential and more formal methods of learning in an area related to their practice.

Talis Aspire Reading List
Any reading lists will be provided by the start of the course.

Intended Learning Outcomes

The negotiated nature of this module means that substantive learning outcomes cannot be specified. However the generic learning outcomes of this module will reflect the overall course objectives (see the Course Plan) as well as the specific objectives stated in the proposal for the reflective assignment.

Study hours

Student Study Hours: 150 total hours.

School Rules


Description of Module Assessment

1: Essay weighted 50%
2000 WORDS
Assignment in a negotiated topic area related to the student's interest and portfolio 2,000 words

2: Portfolio weighted 50%
3000 WORDS + appendices
Portfolio in an agreed format - containing evidence of formal training/education, experiential learning, critical incidents, reflection and discussion of learning experiences collected over a maximum period of 6 months including the 15 weeks of the module. This should show evidence of critical thinking and appraisal. 3,000 words, plus appendices.