PAR-40033 - Introduction to Clinical Education
Coordinator: Eliot Rees Room: KH77 Tel: +44 1782 7 34939
Lecture Time: See Timetable...
Level: Level 7
Credits: 15
Study Hours: 150
School Office: 01782 733928

Programme/Approved Electives for 2024/25


Available as a Free Standing Elective






Barred Combinations


Description for 2024/25

The module aims to introduce learners to the discipline of medical education and support their development as medical educators through critical reflection and use of educational theory and scholarship.
Adopting a blended learning approach, this module will span the duration of the postgraduate certificate in medical education and will utilise peer reflection groups to establish a community of developing educators.
This module will utilise a reflective portfolio mapped to the Academy of Medical Educators' professional standards for medical, dental and veterinary educators (2014).

Intended Learning Outcomes

design and plan student learning activities and/or programmes of study, to achieve the intended learning outcomes: 3
teach and/or support student learning, based on a critical evaluation of current learning theories: 3
assess student and peer work and give feedback to promote learning: 2,3
describe the principles of critical appraisal: 3
critically appraise medical education research papers: 1,3
critically evaluate their own teaching including use of feedback from learners and peers to develop appropriate approaches, use of technologies, methods and theory: 3,4
identify and reflect on learning needs that emerge through experience and generate plans to meet learning needs: 3,4
apply reflective models derived from the literature to structure their reflective accounts: 3,4
support reflections through citing appropriate literature, theories and concepts drawn from a range of sources: 3,4
demonstrate reflection for action through analysis of teaching encounters: 3,4
provide constructive feedback to peers on their reflections and educational development: 2,3
evaluate their developing professional identity as medical educators: 1,3,4

Study hours

Pre-course learning activities: 5 hours
One day face to face teaching : 7 hours
Peer reflection group activities: 3 hours
Formative essay: 10 hours
Peer feedback on formative essay: 5 hours
Completion of reflective portfolio (including feedback discussions): 100 hours
Reflective analysis on development as a medical educator: 20 hours

School Rules

Barred module combination: PAR-40021 The reflective clinical teacher.
Applicants should be graduate, or equivalent, health professionals preparing for or currently engaged in teaching.

Description of Module Assessment

1: Assignment weighted 0%
Essay on motivations, values and beliefs as a teacher
This formatively assessed 1,200 word essay will be submitted to via Turnitin. Formative feedback will be provided by the course tutor in the form of a Turnitin report and via Grademark. Learners will also provide peer feedback via the PeerMark function of Turnitin. This feedback should be used to inform academic writing and Harvard referencing throughout the programme.

2: Critique weighted 0%
Peer assessment of formative essay
This assessment will be on the feedback provided by learners on their peers' formative essay via PeerMark.

3: Portfolio weighted 0%
Reflective portfolio
This reflective portfolio will be maintained by the student during the course of their study on the postgraduate certificate in medical education. The portfolio will be aligned to the Academy of Medical Educators' professional standards for medical, dental and veterinary educators: Domain 1: Designing and planning learning Domain 2: Teaching & facilitating learning Domain 3: Assessment of learning Domain 4: Educational research & scholarship Domain 5: Educational management and leadership Learners will be expected to map the contents of their portfolio against the AoME standards. Formative feedback on portfolio contents will be provided intermittently throughout the programme.

4: Reflective Analysis weighted 100%
Reflective analysis on development as a medical educator
In this assignment students will reflect on their development as a medical educator over the course of the postgraduate certificate in clinical education, and identify any remaining learning needs. (maximum word count = 2,000 words)