PAR-40018 - Educational Supervision and Feedback
Coordinator: Victoria Foley Tel: +44 1782 7 34946
Lecture Time: See Timetable...
Level: Level 7
Credits: 15
Study Hours: 150
School Office: 01782 733928

Programme/Approved Electives for 2024/25


Available as a Free Standing Elective





Learners will have bachelor level degree in healthcare or equivalent and be working within the NHS and/or the field of education for healthcare professionals

Barred Combinations


Description for 2024/25

Educational supervision and feedback skills are vital for the continuing professional development of all healthcare professionals. Therefore teachers within these professions need to develop these skills to be able to guide their learners. This module explores the role of the educational supervisor and it also allows learners to explore feedback methods to further enhance their feedback skills.

To enhance the learners understanding of the principles and skills involved in educational supervision in a range of clinical and educational contexts.
Allow learners to explore the different types of feedback models from the literature and different methods to support these skills.

Intended Learning Outcomes

evaluate the role of an educational supervisor in supporting and monitoring educational progress in trainees using relevant theories and models;: 1,2
assess the importance of giving, receiving, interpreting and using feedback to facilitate learning;
: 1,2
formulate appropriate feedback methods to provide effective, quality and timely feedback in a range of situations to support educational progress of trainees.
: 1,2
develop feedback, coaching and mentoring skills to support the role of an educational supervisor within your own professional practice;: 1,2

Study hours

14 hours of lectures, seminar/small group work, (synchronous)
10 hours reading in preparation for scheduled learning activities, (asynchronous)
60 hours private study, (asynchronous)
66 hours assignment preparation (asynchronous)

School Rules


Description of Module Assessment

1: Assignment weighted 100%
Evaluate the skills required in educational supervision; 3000 words
The learner will evaluate, using current literature, the skills necessary to become an effective educational supervisor and the role it has in supporting and monitoring educational progress in trainees. The learner will discuss any challenges there may be to achieving effective educational supervision and suggest ways that these may be addressed. This is a written submission of a maximum of 3000 words.

2: Exercise weighted 0%
Feedback assessments
Each learner will undertake a series of learning activities around feedback skills including mock appraisals and role play exercises covering a variety of feedback issues. These will be peer/tutor reviewed and must be completed to pass this module. The learner will gain practical experience of both giving feedback in a variety of contexts and receive feedback on their own performance.