PAR-40013 - Educational Media Design
Coordinator: Karl Gimblett Tel: +44 1782 7 33061
Lecture Time: See Timetable...
Level: Level 7
Credits: 15
Study Hours: 150
School Office: 01782 733928

Programme/Approved Electives for 2024/25


Available as a Free Standing Elective






Barred Combinations


Description for 2024/25

Participants will learn how to evaluate educational media and be given the opportunities to develop their own media project for a group of learners of their choice.

This module will explore the role of educational media in teaching, introduce the basic principles of the design and production of instructional materials, and will involve students in practical work producing a range of teaching materials.

Talis Aspire Reading List
Any reading lists will be provided by the start of the course.

Intended Learning Outcomes

Analyse different types of media with reference to the literature and subsequently justify their individual choice of media for their project: 1
Judge and critique the effectiveness of their chosen media project: 1,2
Design and develop educational media for use by a student group in their chosen educational setting: 2
Summarise and appraise their project with peers on the module: 2

Study hours

Active Learning:
On line tutorials and group study 10 hours (asynchronous)
6 hours on-line peer review, evaluation and assessment (synchronous)
Evaluation of project with chosen learners 10 hours (asynchronous)
Independent study, research and assignment preparation 74 hours (asynchronous)
Design and development of media project 50 hours (asynchronous)

School Rules

Graduate or equivalent, currently involved in the education of health professionals; Students must have completed a suitable introductory course in medical education (e.g. Teaching the Teachers, education module of other taught courses).

Description of Module Assessment

1: Report weighted 20%
Reflective commentary
Assessment Part 1 ¿ Educational Media Design Framework. The 1000-word reflective commentary will justify the choice of media, supported by evidence and referring to the educational theory underpinning their project. It will also evaluate the effectiveness of the project.

2: Project weighted 80%
The project can be digital or analogue: It needs to be applicable to the learning needs of the target group
Learners will design and develop a piece of educational media and present it to both their peers on the course and to two faculty members (normally the module lead and the course director; if one of these is unavailable another module lead from within the medical education faculty may be substituted). The presentation will last up to 20 minutes with an additional 10 minutes for questions. The presentation will be hosted on the bespoke IT platform (based on MS teams, that has been developed for the distance learning modules). There are no marks for the presentation. The two faculty members will assess the design and development of the project and evaluate the student's appraisal of their work.