MAN-40276 - Research Methods (FTMBA)
Coordinator: Carola Weissmeyer Room: DW1.27 Tel: +44 1782 7 33603
Lecture Time: See Timetable...
Level: Level 7
Credits: 15
Study Hours: 150
School Office: 01782 733094

Programme/Approved Electives for 2024/25


Available as a Free Standing Elective






Barred Combinations


Description for 2024/25

This module aims to prepare students for the summative element of their Full Time MBA programme. The summative element may be a dissertation, consultancy project, or a work based placement. The specific aims of the module are to:
- provide an understanding of the theory and practice of research in business and management subjects;
- raise awareness of ethical conduct in research and practical problem solving;
- develop an understanding of the wide range of research methodologies and methods used in the business and management discipline;
- evaluate different methodological approaches to business and management research;
- develop an awareness of the theoretical and practical issues associated with research and problem solving and the presentation of findings.

Intended Learning Outcomes

relate research literature and research methods to a research topic or practical problem solving: 1,2
appreciate the importance of an ethical approach to research or practical problem solving and be able to identify issues of validity and reliability: 1,2
evaluate the different methodological approaches used in business and management research: 1,2
differentiate between research methods, be able to critically assess the strengths and weakness of each method and be able to select an appropriate method or methods to be used in given context: 1,2

Study hours

A minimum of 14 hours face to face or synchronous online lectures. The synchronous online lectures will be recorded so can also be accessed asynchronously
Tutorial sessions as required and dependent on the specific programme of study
14 * 6 hours guided reading (84 hours in total)
10 hours summative assessment preparation for assessment 1
42 hours summative assessment preparation for assessment 2

School Rules


Description of Module Assessment

1: Multiple Choice Questions - Knowledge weighted 15%
Multiple choice exercise to assess the student's understanding of research methodologies and methods
A total of 100 online multiple choice questions (MCQs) on different research methods. The MCQs will be divided into 5 sets of 20 questions each. As part of the module students are required to select 5 research methods topics to study in depth. Each topic will be assessed via 20 MCQs. All MCQs will be equally weighted to achieve a single, overall mark for the MCQ assessment. The MCQs assessment will be online. The test will be open for a fixed 3 hour time slot.

2: Assignment weighted 85%
Research proposal/Project Scoping Report (2000 words)
The precise assignment specification will be dependent on whether the student's final element is intended to be a Dissertation, a Work Based Placement, or a Consultancy Project. The Research Proposal/Project Scoping Report will identify the research/work placement or project topic, identifying the scope of the project, relevant primary and secondary sources of information about the project area, consider appropriate research methodology/methods to use when researching in the project area, reflect on ethical issues to be considered when exploring the project area.