MAN-40258 - Placement Project (FTMBA)
Lecture Time: See Timetable...
Level: Level 7
Credits: 30
Study Hours: 260
School Office: 01782 733094

Programme/Approved Electives for 2024/25


Available as a Free Standing Elective






Barred Combinations


Description for 2024/25

The aim of this module is to provide students with the opportunity to carry out a paid work placement based learning experience (minimum 8 weeks and maximum 52 weeks equivalent of full-time work) programme.
During the work placement, the student will be expected to engage in a company-based project which reflects the area of work undertaken.

Intended Learning Outcomes

apply academic themes, concepts and theory as explored during their studies to complex real situations on work placement: 1,2,3
reflect on and critically evaluate their learning from the work placement: 1,2,3
prepare and present a research report jointly to the company / organisation and faculty: 1,2,3
demonstrate competence in a wide range of transferable skills which meet the expectations of the satisfaction of the host organisation: 1,2,3

Study hours

8 hours supervisor and preparation for the placement
252 hours independent study including assessment preparation
*Given the nature of this module, the placement hours stated are not necessarily reflective of the actual hours spent on the placement. The School would expect around 280 hours for 8 weeks (minimum placement) to 1600 hours for 12 months (maximum placement).

School Rules

Module barred combinations:
MAN-40252 Dissertation 
MAN-40256 Consultancy project

Description of Module Assessment

1: Report weighted 50%
Extended Company Project (4000 words)
Completion of a 4000-word report based upon a project conducted at the work placement organisation. The report is based on a project conducted within the organisation and requires an academic research underpinning. The report will include a completed Keele ethical approval form

2: Oral Presentation weighted 30%
15-minute oral presentation
Completion of a 15-minute presentation (plus 5-10 minutes for questions and answers) to the host company management team and the project supervisor. The mentor from within the organisation will provide feedback which will also be submitted.

3: Reflective Diary weighted 20%
Reflective Diary (1500 words)
1500-word reflective account of the work placement. This can be also in the form of a `blog¿.