MAN-40256 - Consultancy Project (FTMBA)
Lecture Time: See Timetable...
Level: Level 7
Credits: 30
Study Hours: 300
School Office: 01782 733094

Programme/Approved Electives for 2024/25


Available as a Free Standing Elective






Barred Combinations


Description for 2024/25

The aim of this module is to enable students to critically reflect on organisational experiences and to develop and apply their skills within the management of organisations.

Intended Learning Outcomes

identify, propose and evaluate possible solutions to an identified managerial issue: 1,2,3,4
work independently and within the guidelines and parameters of the sponsoring organisation: 1,2,3,4
develop a personal set of transferable skills that may be utilised in any comparable organisation: 1,2,4
appreciate the importance of an ethical approach to the project: 1,2,3,4

Study hours

300 hours time spent in the company/organisation, independent study, working on the project, write up and preparation for the presentation (to include 8 hours of supervision support)
*actual hours in the organisation may vary depending on the project

School Rules

Module barred combinations:
MAN-40258 Placement
MAN-40252 Dissertation Management

Description of Module Assessment

1: Report weighted 50%
4000-word report
Completion of a 4000-word Management Report and Keele ethical approval form based upon the student's applied consultancy project.

2: Oral Presentation weighted 20%
15 minute oral presentation
15 minute oral presentation (plus 5-10 minutes questions and answers) explaining the approach that has been taken to addressing the managerial issue under investigation, the findings to date and any recommendations or further actions required. The presentation is to a panel audience, where possible, including the host company management team and the module co-ordinator/project supervisor.

3: Reflective Diary weighted 20%
1500-word reflective diary
1500-word reflective account of the project.

4: Practice Based Assessment weighted 10%
Assessment by the host organisation in conjunction with the academic supervisor
Assessment by the host organisation in conjunction with the academic supervisor at the end of the project using a framework provided by the school. The framework will assess student performance during the project in line with the expectations set out in the initial project agreement. Students will be given the chance to review and comment on any feedback given before the supervisor agrees the final mark.