MAN-40036 - Strategy and Information Management
Coordinator: Geetika Jain Room: N/A
Lecture Time: See Timetable...
Level: Level 7
Credits: 15
Study Hours: 150
School Office: 01782 733094

Programme/Approved Electives for 2024/25


Available as a Free Standing Elective






Barred Combinations


Description for 2024/25

Strategy is nothing without the data/information/knowledge to formulate and implement it. This module explores this relationship, delivering the theoretical foundations of each discipline in a practical and applied way.
Teaching is delivered through an informal workshop format which encourages active engagement and discussion both between lecturers and students, and between the students themselves.

The aims of this module are to explore the complex and dependent relationship between strategy and information management in organisations. Students will consider different theories and approaches to the development of strategy, exploring the role of information management in both implementing strategy and informing its development; and gain an understanding and ability to apply techniques for critically analysing organisations, formulating strategy and ensuring an organisation's technology and information infrastructure is aligned with delivering it's strategic goals.

Intended Learning Outcomes

critically evaluate the crucial relationship between information and strategy, for both formulation and implementation: 1,2
make practical use of the mainstream strategy concepts in simulated business situations, using relevant information: 1,2
formulate strategic decisions that are crucial in particular situations: 2
appraise situations in which different theoretical models have valid application: 2

Study hours

Workshops 30 hours
Workshop preparation 20 hours
Assignment preparation 60 hours
Other private study 40 hours

School Rules


Description of Module Assessment

1: Exercise weighted 50%
Assignment 2,500 words
An individual 2,500-word assignment midterm assessment is designed to evaluate your understanding of the strategic importance of information management and its integration into organisational strategy. With agreement with the module leader based on the specific analysis provided to include, you can choose the organisation with a view to making recommendations for further organisational practice development and further analyze the alignment of information management with the organization's strategic objectives.

2: Exercise weighted 50%
Assignment 2,500 words
An individual 2,500-word assignment with the analysis of approaches to information management systems and to assess the critical role of information management in shaping strategic decisions within an organisation. Choose a specific organization or scenario that involves strategic decisions and information management challenges or opportunities. This could be a real company, a case study, or a scenario based analysis. Note that your choice of outputs will need to balance across the whole programme to ensure that you are submitting a range of different outputs to fulfil the programme learning outcomes. This will be discussed and monitored as part of your learning plan.