LSC-40107 - Advanced Research Topics in Glycobiology
Coordinator: Mark Skidmore Room: Hux168 Tel: +44 1782 7 33945
Lecture Time: See Timetable...
Level: Level 7
Credits: 30
Study Hours: 300
School Office: 01782 734414

Programme/Approved Electives for 2024/25


Available as a Free Standing Elective






Barred Combinations


Description for 2024/25

This module aims to introduce students to research topics in Glycobiology and the wider biosciences appropriate to level 7. Students will gain experience in the critical analysis and evaluation of the primary research literature, and the application of modern research methodologies, tools and technologies.

Intended Learning Outcomes

critically discuss the structure and physicochemical properties of biologically relevant carbohydrates and their role within the biosciences and medicine: 1,2
evaluate and appraise the principles and applications of selected research methods and techniques of relevance to glycobiology: 1,2
analyse and critically evaluate the context, methodology and results of relevant primary scientific literature: 1,2
evaluate and discuss the impact of research outcomes in terms of societal, financial and intellectual perspectives: 1,2
present and critique research data in an appropriate manner, communicating outcomes clearly and effectively in different formats, using language and terminology appropriate to the discipline: 1,2

Study hours

18 hours of practical/skills-based content (developing key skills in use/application of various methodologies, tools and techniques).
12 hours of journal club sessions and supporting tutorials.
80 hours independent study, including preparation for journal club sessions.
190 hours for portfolio completion, engagement with directed reading and attendance at relevant school/faculty research seminars

School Rules


Description of Module Assessment

1: Portfolio weighted 70%
Research seminar and journal club portfolio
Students will submit a portfolio of two structured reports (1,000 words each) on a relevant topic covered within the module and one structured proforma (1,000 words) based on presentations within the journal club sessions. Total word count 3,000.

2: Presentation weighted 30%
Students will author, deliver and answer relevant questions on a presentation (20-30 minutes) critiquing a discipline-specific research paper within a journal club session. Assessment will be facilitated through peer and tutor review, with the final mark awarded based 50:50 on the tutor mark and the average of the peer mark.