LSC-40105 - MRes Bioscience Extended Research Project
Lecture Time: See Timetable...
Level: Level 7
Credits: 120
Study Hours: 1200
School Office: 01782 734414

Programme/Approved Electives for 2024/25


Available as a Free Standing Elective






Barred Combinations


Description for 2024/25

This module will further develop students' independent research skills in experimental design and data handling/evaluation. Working closely with an academic supervisor, students will design and conduct an extended independent research project, employing appropriate techniques and methods of data analysis, evaluating this in context to relevant literature in the form of an assessed research report.

Intended Learning Outcomes

critically evaluate relevant scientific literature in context to their research project area: 1,2,3
design and conduct an independent research project, formulate aims/hypotheses and apply appropriate methodology to address these (including effective note-taking, record keeping etc): 1,2,3
analyse complex scientific data and critically evaluate this in context to wider literature: 1,2,3
communicate clearly and effectively in a variety of formats including a research report and oral presentation: 1,2,3
identify potential ethical challenges and develop appropriate justification for scientific pursuit within an appropriate framework: 1,3
identify risks and hazards and apply fundamental principles of health and safety legislation to devise appropriate risk assessments: 1

Study hours

12 hours supporting workshops
5 hours attendance at research conference
900 hours working on the research project, data collection and analysis
282 hours independent study: preparation of research report and presentation/preparation for viva
1-hour attending viva assessment

School Rules


Description of Module Assessment

1: Research Report weighted 50%
Research Report
Students will present the results of the research project in the form of a research report (dissertation). The word count for this piece of assessment should be in the range of 15,000-20,000 words.

2: Presentation weighted 20%
Students may choose to present either a poster (A1) or an oral presentation (15 minutes); or choose both and the higher of the two marks awarded will be utilised for assessment purposes.

3: Viva weighted 30%
A focused discussion where students will have the opportunity to discuss their findings and then defend them before a panel of academic experts (two independent internal assessors). This will last approximately 1 hour and will also include a discussion of ethical considerations and good laboratory practice (data recording, laboratory notebooks etc.).