LSC-40059 - Biomedical Science Research Project
Coordinator: Mark Skidmore Room: Hux168 Tel: +44 1782 7 33945
Lecture Time: See Timetable...
Level: Level 7
Credits: 60
Study Hours: 600
School Office: 01782 734414

Programme/Approved Electives for 2024/25


Available as a Free Standing Elective






Barred Combinations


Description for 2024/25

This module represents the culmination of your learning as a Master's student. This is an excellent opportunity for you to work alongside colleagues to undertake a significant research project. This could include: typical, lab-based research here within the School; clinical audits in partnership with local NHS providers; data analysis or a systematic review.
The module will end with a mini student conference, providing you an opportunity to meet all of your colleagues, present your main findings in a professional setting and learn what each of you have been doing.
Practitioner Biomedical Scientists, or equivalent, taking this programme are expected to design a project based on their personal area of speciality and conducted within their workplace. It is expected that the project will reflect a partnership between their workplace and the University.

This module is the culmination of student learning across the Master's programme. Each student to conduct an extensive, independent project. This could be a lab-based research project, clinical audit, data analysis or systematic review. This will be the capstone experience for all MSc students.

Intended Learning Outcomes

Identify a current problem in the literature, or clinical practise, and respond by formulating an appropriate research-based hypothesis: 1,2,3
Critically review current literature to provide a comprehensive scientific rationale for their work: 1,2,3
Design a robust methodological approach to investigate the proposed hypothesis with a full justification of health and safety, ethical, quality assurance and statistical considerations as appropriate: 1,2,3
Analyse complex scientific data and present to a scientific audience: 1,2,3
Interpret complex scientific data and relate that to current literature: 1,2,3
Appraise own work to identify strengths and weaknesses, including possible limitations and source(s) of error and suggest ways to improve: 1,2,3
Communicate complex scientific findings to a mixed audience: 1,3
Competently engage in independent research taking responsibility for personal learning: 1,2

Study hours

30 hours: meetings with supervisor
6 hours: attendance at the student conference
160 hours: private study
280 hours: data generation and analysis
124 hours: completion of the report and presentation

School Rules


Description of Module Assessment

1: Project weighted 60%
15000 word research project (maximum)
The research project should comprise of an extensive introduction which fully brings the subject up-to-date, reflecting a thorough review of current literature in the field; accurate methodologies demonstrating understanding of underlying principles and ensuring quality assurance, health and safety and ethical concerns are all met; accurate and concise data presentation and a frank analysis of all findings, potential for future work and integration of any new knowledge gained through this piece of work with current literature findings.

2: Competence weighted 10%
Professional Skills Assessment
Marks are awarded to each student based on a range of professional skills that the student is able to demonstrate across the project. Skills include awareness of and compliance with health and safety; ethics; timekeeping; organisation; independence; preparation; technical competence; problem-solving and communication skills.

3: Presentation weighted 30%
Conference Presentation
Students will present the main findings of their work in a conference-style event. this will usually be in the form of a poster and short presentation (10-15 minutes duration) with the higher of the marks standing. Where students are unable to attend the conference, a recorded presentation of their poster would be required.