Programme/Approved Electives for 2024/25
Available as a Free Standing Elective
The module is taught through a mix of IT tutorials, workshops, and online content. The first part of the module will introduce you to a wide range of freely available online bioinformatics resources for the acquisition of information in the identification and characterisation of gene and protein sequences. Additional tutorials may provide you an opportunity to meet a range of staff from the University Student Learning team or external speakers. We will help you to develop a range of skills that are highly desirable by a range of employers such as: communicating to different audiences; understanding of equality and diversity in professional practice; self-confidence and networking for personal success. You can evidence these skills with the bioinformatics report and presentation of your scientific poster in the final year student conference.In the final part of the module, you will be able to apply the skills that you have developed across your programme to critically analyse a scientific paper. This will evidence your ability to evaluate current research, appraise methodologies and critique data analysis and presentation.
To develop skills (appropriate to level 6) in the general area of acquisition, analysis and communication of scientific information, including use of computer databases, skills required for communicating scientific information, verbally, visually and in writing, accompanied by student poster presentation at a standard appropriate to level 6, and analysis of a research paper under examination conditions.
Intended Learning Outcomes
design and conduct an investigation to identify and characterise transcribed gene sequences using online bioinformatics tools and communicate the results and interpretation in the form of a technical scientific paper: 1locate and retrieve information from scientific literature: 1,3communicate the purpose, methodology, results and interpretation of experimental investigations, based on the final year research project as a scientific poster: 2analyse and critically evaluate the context, methodology and results of primary scientific literature: 3
18 hrs in-situ workshops and tutorials 6 x 6 hrs preparation for workshops and tutorials (including preparation for bioinformatics in-course assessment and research paper discussion preparation)5 x 4 hrs engagement with asynchronous delivery sessions (including consumption, note taking and wider reading) 12 hours poster preparation 2 hours examination 62 hours independent study, including bioinformatics report completion and engagement with wider reading and revision resources.
Description of Module Assessment
1: Report weighted 25%1,500 word technical report
2: Poster weighted 25%Research poster
3: Exam weighted 50%Closed book examination