Programme/Approved Electives for 2023/24
Available as a Free Standing Elective
In this module, you will develop key research skills that are routinely used by biochemists and biomedical scientists, such as in depth literature searching, analysis of experimental data and communication. You will interrogate current literature on a specific topic, using library and web based resources to produce a written review. You will also analyse a data set to demonstrate your analytical skills, draw appropriate conclusions and present key findings in a form of a poster.
This module aims to introduce students to non-experimental research skills that are routinely used by biochemists and biomedical scientists, such as literature searching, analysis of experimental data. The student will research the literature, using library and web based resources, on a relevant topic and will produce a written review. In addition the student will process and interpret some raw experimental data provided to them.
Intended Learning Outcomes
search, extract and communicate relevant information from scientific literature and databases at an advanced level: 11integrate material from many sources: 2analyse experimental data, present it in appropriate graphical format and interpret the results: 2communicate the purpose, methodology, results and interpretation of experimental investigations as a scientific poster:
Supervisor meetings 15 hoursLiterature review 105 hoursData analysis 30 hours
Description of Module Assessment
1: Literature Review weighted 75%LITERATURE REVIEW of 4000 wordsStudents will search and extract relevant information from scientific literature and databases and produce a literature review of ~4000 words.
2: Poster Presentation weighted 25%PosterStudents will prepare a scientific poster based on data provided by the module manager or project supervisor.