HIS-30157 - 'Eyes on the Prize': The Struggle for Civil Rights in America
Coordinator: David Ballantyne Tel: +44 1782 7 34409
Lecture Time: See Timetable...
Level: Level 6
Credits: 15
Study Hours: 150
School Office: 01782 733147

Programme/Approved Electives for 2024/25


Available as a Free Standing Elective






Barred Combinations


Description for 2024/25

To introduce students to the role of civil rights conflict in the shaping of contemporary America;
To assess the aims and achievements of black leadership in the Civil Rights Movement;
To document and evaluate the contribution of mainstream protests by ordinary men and women, black and white, Northern and Southern, in re-shaping American society;
To document and evaluate the broader African-American contribution to American society and culture.

Intended Learning Outcomes

recognise and explain the particular issues and debates associated with the struggle for Civil Rights and racial equality in the United States: 1,2
assess the relative merits of conflicting interpretations of significant events and phenomena, recognising the complexity and diversity of historical situations, events and belief systems: 1,2
conduct sophisticated analysis of primary source material with due regard to provenance, content, and interpretation: 1,2
use constructively source materials both in evaluating primary and secondary accounts and in developing original interpretations fostering competence in the handling and analysis of evidence: 1,2

Study hours

11 x 2-hour seminars; 11 x 1-hour workshops; 50 hour seminar preparation; 20 hours short paper preparation; 47 hours long essay preparation.

School Rules


Description of Module Assessment

1: Short Paper weighted 35%
1000-word short paper
Following appropriate seminar preparation students will undertake a critical assessment of a primary source related to the topic areas covered by this unit in order to develop the students' skills in analysing, evaluating, and contextualising primary source material.

2: Essay weighted 65%
2000-word essay
Students will write a 2000-word essay (excluding footnotes, plus or minus 10%), from a choice of questions.