ACC-40003 - Accounting For Decision Making
Coordinator: Thanamas Kungwal Tel: +44 1782 7 34264
Lecture Time: See Timetable...
Level: Level 7
Credits: 15
Study Hours: 150
School Office: 01782 733094

Programme/Approved Electives for 2024/25


Available as a Free Standing Elective






Barred Combinations


Description for 2024/25

The module introduces key concepts and techniques in Financial Accounting, Management Accounting, and Financial Management. The module will familiarize students with the structure of company accounts and demonstrate the procedures and techniques used in assessing that information for managers. The module will further explain how use of structured accounting information can enhance decision-making within a company in relation to operation and organisation, costing and new project evaluation, financing, and strategic development.

Develop an understanding of Financial Accounting, Management Accounting and Financial Management. Develop an understanding of the financial aspects of managerial decision making.

Intended Learning Outcomes

Critically explain the nature and roles of accounting, demonstrating the difference between financial and management accounting and their role in decision making: 1,2
Analyse the main financial statements, demonstrating a recognition of the regulatory and governance frameworks of financial reporting: 1,2
Demonstrate knowledge of managerial and financial decision making techniques broadly related to managers: 1,2
Critically evaluate the main sources of finance available to a business and reflect on short-term and long-term decision making of managers
: 1,2
Use the methods and tools presented in the course of the module for making capital investment decisions: 2
Identify the main users of financial and management information and evaluate their needs for decision making: 2

Study hours

Lectures 18 hours
Tutorials 6 hours
Private study 122 hours
Mid-term assessment 2 hours
Final examination 2 hours

School Rules


Description of Module Assessment

1: Computer Task weighted 40%
1 hour and 30 minutes take away (open book) computer based assessment (mid-term)-time constrained and invigilated
Mid-term computer based assessment ¿ a 90 minutes computer-based assessment which will be available on KLE for 28-hours to submit the answers. Students should know that they will have 28-hours access to their computer-based assessment, but when they start the assessment they should finish and submit their answer in 90-mintes, otherwise the KLE will submit their answer automatically.

2: Unseen Exam weighted 60%
2-hour closed book exam
Examination (Exam): An opportunity for students to apply their knowledge and/or understanding under invigilated conditions (2 hours). All examination should take place on campus. All are scheduled centrally by Student Records and Exams.