Professor Neil Telling: Physics to Biomedicine and Back Again: The Circle of Research Life

Professor of Biomedical Nanophysics

Many people perceive the subjects of physics and biology to be somewhat polar opposites of the science spectrum. However, as multidisciplinary research has become more commonplace, these two subjects are proving to have complementary strengths that are helping to drive progress in modern biomedical research. In this lecture, I will discuss how my own experience working in the area of nanophysics (the study of microscopic materials) has been applied to a host of research challenges in biomedicine, including the next generation of cancer therapy treatments, and the quest to understand the origin and progression of Alzheimer’s disease.


Image of Professor Neil Telling Professor Neil Telling graduated in Physics from the University of Manchester and went on to obtain a PhD at Loughborough University, studying the properties of nanoscale materials that are now used extensively in computer hardware. Subsequently, he held a post-doctoral appointment at Salford University before joining the UK synchrotron radiation department at Daresbury Laboratory. Following the closure of the Daresbury facility, Neil spent a brief period of time back at Manchester University (this time in the School of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences) before joining Keele University in 2009, initially as an RCUK Academic Fellow, and then Lecturer (2012), Senior Lecturer (2014) and Professor of Biomedical Nanophysics (2018).


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Westminster Theatre, Chancellor's Building
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01782 734036

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