Keele among world's most international universities

Most International Unis
Posted on 14 January 2016
An institution’s global outlook is one of the key markers of a prestigious university ...

Keele’s position among the global elite has been underlined by a table which places it among the 200 most international universities in the world.

Times Higher Education has compiled a list of the top most international universities using the “international outlook” indicator from the Times Higher Education World University Rankings. Keele is placed 160th in the world - 'a sign of great potential, competitiveness and dynamism'.

The ranking considers each institution’s proportion of international staff, proportion of international students and proportion of research papers published with at least one co-author from another country.

THE says that with powerful global networks universities can find the best academic talent, attract the brightest students and produce collaborative, innovative research that exploits the resources of multiple institutions.

Keele University Vice-Chancellor, Professor Trevor McMillan, said: “This endorses our commitment to internationalisation. The heritage that we have at Keele is one of innovation and standing out because we do things a little differently. If we maintain this going forward then we can adapt and thrive not only in the UK but also in the international higher education environment.

"This listing adds to our recent success in the National Student Survey, in which we remain top for student satisfaction, our THE World ranking, our graduate employment record and the fact that 97% of our research is deemed world leading or of international importance. Knowledge generation increasingly requires international engagement and as a research-led university, our academics’ orientation must be international.

"Our students will be operating in an increasingly global market which requires us to provide them with education containing a strong international component, and afford opportunities for overseas study, or overseas work experience.”

Phil Baty, Editor, THE Rankings, said: “An institution’s global outlook is one of the key markers of a prestigious university. The top institutions hire faculty from all over the world, attract students from a global market of top talent and collaborate with leading departments wherever they happen to be based.

"It is great news for all the institutions in the list of the most international universities in the world. It is a sign of great potential, competitiveness and dynamism.”