Sustainability Forum
The aim of the session was to provide an open space for all those Keele (staff and student) to have a voice about small issues they are interested in, but also input into the broader agenda at the institution - giving us working in this space a mandate to do more!
The three main focus of the forum were:
- Halls of residence and campus
- New projects and ideas on events
- Co-curriculum activities
Any action points raised will be then followed up by those with Sustainability elements within their remit, and published on the Green:Keele website.
The panel included Pat Bailey, Pro Vice-Chancellor for Environment and Sustainability, Huw Evans, Environmental Manager, Dr Zoe Robinson, Director of Education for Sustainable Development, and Emmanuel Blondel president of Think:Green.
The forum generally happens twice a year, and the next one will be within Green Week in the second week of Feb.